Expat Pulse
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Three Conditions for foreign pilgrims to repeat Umrah


The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah (MAJ) has set 3 three conditions for a foreign pilgrims to repeat Umrah during their 10 days stay in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has been clearly clarified that each foreign pilgrim would be able to get at least one Umrah appointment per trip. If they wish to repeat Umrah for a second time then following rules should be applied.

3 conditions for foreign pilgrims to repeat Umrah

  1. Not as an individuals. The foreign pilgrims can repeat Umrah only in groups.
  2. Only licensed Umrah companies can arrangements for the performance of Umrah.
  3. The licensed Umrah companies will book Umrah appointment through an official Playstore  Eatmarna App or Apple : Eatmarna App

Regarding domestic pilgrims?

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah (MAJ) has also expecting that there could be a drop in the number of Umrah permit applicants from the domestic pilgrims in the next phases of the gradual resumption of the Umrah service. This is because most of the domestic pilgrims have already performed Umrah in the first and second phases of Umrah resumption.

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