Expat Pulse
Latest and Updated Information for expatriates in Saudi Arabia.

“Banan” Allows Women’s Identification at Checkpoints


Saudi Ministry of Interior applies the fingerprint verification device ′′ Banan ′′ which allows women’s identification at checkpoints, without disclosing their face. It is a beautiful thing that it is a country of unification.

The security authorities apply the fingerprint verification device “Banan”, which enables the identification of women at checkpoints, without revealing their faces.

وزارة الداخليه السعودية تطبق جهاز التحقق بالبصمة “بنان” الذي يتيح التأكد من هوية المرأة في نقاط التفتيش، دون الكشف عن وجهها .شيئ جميل انها بلاد التوحيد
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