The Transport General Authority (TGA) has stipulated that effective from May 13, 2021, all workers in the public transportation sector, including train and bus drivers, must be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Vaccination is mandatory for all public transport workers from May 13
The move aims to protect public health and curb the coronavirus pandemic.
In case of non-compliance, non-vaccinated employees are required to provide a negative PCR test every seven days at the expense of the establishments where they are working, the authority said in its official Tweet.
#عزيزي_الناقل:#خذ_الخطوة وبادر بتحصين جميع العاملين لديكم في وسائل #النقل_العام و #القطارات وسائقي #الحافلات قبل الموعد الإلزامي والمحدد بتاريخ 1 شوال 1442هـ،
— الـهـيـئـة الـعـامة للنـقــل (@Saudi_TGA) March 23, 2021
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